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Managed WordPress Hosting

Just $34.95/mo.

Are you ready to make the leap to Managed WordPress, but dreading the work it will take to move your site over from a different format? We’ll do the heavy lifting for you! Sign up for our Managed WordPress Hosting and we’ll help you get great designer help your give you a great DIY program, then give you the power to edit, fix and beautify to your heart’s content.

Why Convert to WordPress?

WordPress is an extremely robust, FREE, and powerful content management system that makes it a piece of cake to create and manage a website without having to call a web designer. While it started out as a blogging platform, it has blossomed into a system with features to fit the one-man-show all the way up to the international enterprise. Here are some of the benefits to using WordPress:

  • Built-in content management system – The CMS gives you full control of your content. Create, edit, pause or discard web pages, blog posts, lead forms, galleries, and more from one intuitive dashboard.
  • Plugins -Much like apps for a smartphone, plugins add functionality to your WordPress site with just a few clicks. Plugins further eliminate your needs for a web designer, because there are plugins for almost anything you can imagine! Social media, ecommerce, analytics, adding media, and so much more.
  • Open source software – Developers all over the world are constantly monitoring and improving WordPress, making usability updates, and adding plugins that you can download. This is truly a product by the people for the people.
  • Choice of themes – You can convert your existing site entirely as-is, with the same look, feel, and functionality, or you can revamp with a whole new theme.
  • Built-in SEO features – WordPress is designed to facilitate SEO with fields for keywords, metadata, RSS feeds, and more.

Contact Us to Learn More About This Offer


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