888-504-4678 support@nethosting.com


Key Features

  • WordPress Updates – SiteSecure.me manages all your plugin updates and core WordPress updates weekly, followed by a manual quality assurance process to ensure everything works properly.
  • Remote Cloud Backups – Everyday SiteSecure.me automatically backup your entire WordPress site to a cloud server to ensure your files are safe in case anything ever happens to your server or site.*
  • 24/7 Monitoring – Malware hacks can come in many forms, some which aren’t seen initially by the naked eye. SiteSecure.me runs multiple scans to detect hacks and malware with enough time to remove them while still in an early stage.
  • Malware Early Detection – Malware can act fast to bring your site down and ruin your sales. SiteSecureMe can catch these in the earlier stages, making cleanup easier and limiting risk to you and your customers.
  • WordPress Security – Wordpress is an open source software that is vulnerable to hacks. That is why it is so important to never leave a WordPress installation unmanaged. SiteSecure.me secures WordPress sites through the most current and best practice methods.
  • Vulnerability Analysis – SiteSecure.me’s systems check all the themes and plugins on your WordPress site to see how well they are maintained and supported by their author. If they find any plugin or theme that has been abandoned by the author and is no longer receiving updates or patches they will advise you on a more current solution.